
E-School: Supplementary Computer-based Education

Two well-equipped computer labs designed to teach mathematics to standard 5th to 7th students, NIIT courses for 7th to 9th standard students and KLiC courses to 11th standard onward students have been made available since July 2014. There are three teachers and one SPOC. With two batches in the morning and ten batches in the evening, annually total number of 380 students are benefited. E-school project has been completely supported by Atos thro' its CSR.

Umang Classes

Continuing education in the toiling class is always an uphill task. They face n number of challenges, space for study being one of them. Keeping this in mind 'Umang project' is launched in which students from 1st to 4th standards and also those students who cannot go to school can enrol. With a view to improve students' academic performance and basically trying to avoid various types of addiction in the young age, two hourly sessions are held in their vicinity, in which nutritious food is also served daily. Uniqueness of this project is that the teachers too stay in the very same locality and they cater to 10 students in their own house. 10 such classes for 100 students are held daily at slums in Lokmanya Nagar and Shastri Nagar in Thane. Umang Project has been completely supported by Accura Valves company thro' its CSR.

Sawali Jidnyasa

Besides academic progress teenage girls and boys from under privileged sections of society face number of challenges, that result in number of queries, with no ready answers. Unanswered queries lead to number of problems, such as addiction, mental tensions, relationship and bodily issues etc. School teachers are unable to solve or even address these non-academic queries and issues. Hence Savali Jidynasa project with the help of Institute for Psychological Health (IPH), Thane and Stri Mukti Sanghatna (SMS), Navi Mumbai has been started for teenage students in Navi Mumbai and Thane schools. A counsellor guides students in the school hours. In addition to this S/he also addresses issues of learning disability.