To work for Education, empowerment, health and socio-cultural awareness amongst the needy through humane and professional interventions.


To provide support and opportunities for quality education to underprivileged children & adolescents (age 3 to 19 years) in Ghansoli. To facilitate livelihood opportunities amongst youth (age 20 to 30 years) in Ghansoli.


Children, Adolescents, youth, women, unemployed and other underprivileged and discriminated persons



To provide supplementary education to about 25 children annually from 1st to 4th Std. so as to improve their overall academic performance (Impact indicators to be defined) To provide educational support through E-Learning methods to the selected students (20 students annually) from 5th to 8th std. (Selection criteria and impact indicators to be defined)

To provide basic computer literacy for about 100 persons (annually) above 14 years of age (Selection criteria and impact indicators to be defined)

To run remedial education classes on English and Math for about 100 children from 8th to 10th std. during the last academic quarter

To run study centers for the underprivileged students (20 students annually) from 11th standard to under graduate level.

To actively engage the youth volunteers of Eklavya in all the programs and activities of the organization


To provide vocational training to all underprivileged individuals (about 150 individuals annually)

To provide practical inputs and counseling to the under-graduate and graduate students (about 100 students annually)

To enhance their employability through interventions in partnership with local organizations/ institutions. (Impact indicators to be defined)

To provide inputs for financial literacy among the adults associated with the organization (Impact indicators to be defined)

Our Impact


Covid 19 assistance


Balwadi since 1986


Palakshala since 2009


Eklavya Gaurav Puraskar since 2004


Eklavya Pustak Pedhi since 2004


Tailoring since 2011


Professional Beautician since 2008

Awards Instituted by Us

Shikshan Vrati, Samaj Vrati and Karya Vrati Puraskar

WNY confers ‘Shikshan Vrati’, ‘Samaj Vrati’ and 'Karya Vrati' puraskar to deserving persons/ organizations in the respective field. It carries a cash award of Rs. 25,000/- along with a memento and citation which is given at a well-organized event. This activity is being organized since 2016. Yearwise awardees are Bhau Nanivadekar, Vijaya Chauhan and Nilesh Nimkar (2016), Swagat Thorat and Meenal Sohoni (2017), Hemant Jagtap, Neelima Kadhe and Charushila Deulkar (2018), Vishal Parulekar, Yogendra Bangar and Prof. Vrushali Magdum (2019) and Madhu Mohite, Dr. Prashant Thorat, Seetaram Shelar and Arati Naik (2022).

Prabodhan Puraskar

WNY confers ‘Prabodhan' puraskar to a print journal run with commitment to socio-cultural uplift of society. It carries a cash award of Rs. 1,00,000/- along with a citation which is given at a well-organized event. This activity is being organized since 2018. The first award was given to fortnightly ‘Pariwartanacha Watsaru’ in 2018, followed by bi-monthly ‘Kelyane Bhashantar’ (2019), ‘Andolan’ (2021) and ‘Rangavacha’ (2023)

Name of few donors:

Our Team

Atul Gore
Mr. Abhay Kanta
Jayant Kulkarni
Latika S M
Joint Secretary