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We Need You Society Welcomes You

NMMC's Savitribai Phule Puraskar

Jamnalal Bajaj 'Uchit Vyavhar Puraskar'


We Need You Society

is a Voluntary Organization started in the year 1987 by group of Engineers, Doctors Teaching Professionals & Social Workers. The society has its spread in Thane City & Ghansoli. The Society works in the field of Pre-primary Education, Encouragement to youth, Orientation & Educational support, Upliftment of Women. Trade Courses for drop out students. We have our own center comprising of 'Ground & One Upper Floor' admeasuring about 1500 sq.ft.

Focus Area


Supplementary education, E-Learning, remedial education


Vocational training, enhance the employability


Nutrition, Hygiene, Health awarness


making women self reliant by empowerment


Providing Platform to discuss social issues


Abhyasika - Reading Room Facility is provided to the students


kindergarten for local population, promoting secular values using modern methodologies to create love for learning, for children

Palak Shala

Training Parents on Rational Parenting, Emotions, Communication, Discipline, Diet, Media Influence


in collaboration with “Samata Vichar Prasarak Sanstha”, Thane. “Eklavaya” is for a child who completes education up to 10th standard in spite of challenging economic and living conditions.

Eklavaya Pustak Pedhi

We provide complete set of Books free of cost to the students of Art, Science & Commerce .

Maths Literacy Course

Education through a web based course - KHAN ACADEMY. This event was started in collaboration with Syntel Corporation under their C.S.R

Community Polytechnic

This activity is conducted in collaboration with Fr. Agnel Polytechnic, Bandra. Dropout from schools and colleges


Dialogue and discussion with veteran social workers, thinkers, thought leaders on subject of current importance & social dynamics

Associate with us

Annual Membership Rs. 500/-
Life membership Rs. 5000/-
Patron Membership Rs. 25000/-
Attending monthly meetings
Participate as volunteer in all the programmes during the year
Be mentor of any of the Trade Course – Tailoring & Tailoring OR Professional Beautician
Be mentor of Sanskar Shibhir
Ekalavya follow up
· One child in the Baalwadi……Rs. 2,500/-
· One student in the computer classes….Rs. 4,000/-
· One student in Tailoring class…Rs.5,000/-
· One student in beautician course….Rs.10,000/-
· One event (sports day/cultural day)…….Rs.15,000/- or $250/-
· Vrati awards….Rs. 25,000/- or $500/-
· NRI Patron…………$2500/-
You can make online contributions favoring ‘We Need You Society’
Account Name- We Need You Society
Account No - 319902010419530
Bank Name- Union Bank
IFSC Code-UBIN0531995
Branch -Mumbai (N) Ghansoli
All donations attract 80G tax benefits. We are also FCRA approved

Recent Activity

News of Recent Activity conducted by we need you

16th and 25th June 2024

Eklavya Gaurav Programs

1st June 2024

Book Release Program


Our beneficiaries speak

“ My son Shivaji Sawant and my daughter Shweta got educated in WNY school in 2003-05. There are very good facilities, dedicated teachers and enough attention given to sports.”



“ My daughter Anamika and Nisha both studied in WNY school form 2005-07 and 2007- 09. Kalpana teacher has very good skills of guiding students. All facilities are available in school. She got good education as well as cultural development.”



“ My daughter Sangivani was learning in WNY school for 2 years. I could see very good changes in her. She gained lot of confidence in her behavior. Discipline in the school is good. Now she is in 4th standard. The good foundation from WNY school is helping her a lot.”


Palak Shala

“I completed the Professional Beautician Course and I am very much satisfied. Earlier I had completed the course from private Parlor by paying fees of Rs. 10000/- However, the knowledge gained in WNY course is much more than private parlor. Daily there are two batches. I took admission for one batch but I was allowed to practice in the 2nd batch also. Ujwala Teacher is having good knowledge; she is hard working and caring for the students. She inspired me to start my own parlor. ‘Gaye 2 saal se mera parlor acchachalrahahai..!!”


Professional Beautician Course